Music in the middle ages took place… well, exactly where the middle ages/renascence took place. Europe. Now, the first study of music originated in Ancient Greece, where Pythagoras experimented with acoustics and tones, creating the Greek modes, which were essentially the first scales.
So we fast forward like… 15 centuries or so. Now we’re in 12th century Paris. The music style known as Ars Antiqua has thrived at the cathedral Notre Dame. Different music styles are developing within the Catholic Church, all based of of the original Gregorian Chant. Outside of the chruch, we see Secular Music taking off across Europe, from England, to Italy, to Spain. This was a style that consisted more of instruments like the Lute, fiddle or the Recorder. It was often performed at gatherings and in royal courts by Minstrels.
To summarize, The origins of the medieval music started with Gregorian Chant in Rome and moved to Paris with Ars Nova, spreading across Europe through the Catholic Churches, andSecular Music spreading through the royals courts, both ushering in the era of Baroque.