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   Franz Haydn and Amadeus Mozart, two amazing classical composers. The rockstars of their time, Mozart was like the Axl Rose of the the 18th century, and Haydn was more like Yngwie Malmstein and showed up on time with big orchestras.

   Mozart spent the majority of his life touring around Europe performing at various theatres, events, and royal courts. Unlike many composers of the era, Haydn held down a reliable job teaching, composing, and managing musicians from the royal Esterhazy family.

As you can see, Hadyn was prone to composing complex string oriented pieces and is widely considered “The Father of the String Quartet”.  Haydn’s writing style was very structured, every part of the quartet having its place. In contrast, Mozart ‘s work was flamboyant , known to be almost frantic in its urgency to tell the story. Both of these composers took elements from Baroque and fitted them with their own strict rules, guidelines, and styles. Take Mozart’s erratic style for example in “Rondo Alla Turca”:

The period of classical music took place around the 1700s to the 1800s and was defined by the many instruments used, the catchy melodies with contrasting themes, and the regular and defined rhythm.


Above: Haydn and Mozart

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